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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Come From A Land Down Under

    After the craziness of moving my stuff into storage, I lived with my mother for the month of April. Honestly, it was difficult. My little sister wouldn't let me sleep in my old room ( she had been sleeping on the couch for some reason, but when I was coming back she decided to take over my old room) so I got to sleep on the couch. Good thing it's a nice day bed, so there was a decent amount of space. The problem was that there is a huge arcade window ( floor to ceiling length) in the living room, and nothing to cover it. So every morning, at promptly 6:30am, I was awoken by bright sunshine...the other problem, was my allergies. I'm allergic to cats, and my mom has one (I love kitties though anyway), and there is so much dust and pollen in the area my mom lives! I tried every over-the-counter allergy medicine I could find, and nothing worked. I finally went to see the allergy doctor and was tested for allergies. I'm allergic to 14 different types of trees, grass, cats, pollen, mildew, dust, etc...and lucky me, I got to have a shot of Cortizone in my right butt cheek! It was SO painful, and I had a huge bruise for about a week, it hurt for over a week! I was prescribed medication that worked, and ever since, I have been allergy free!

    The end of April was quickly approaching, and although I was thrilled to see Dave, I still didn't have a place for us to live! I went searching on my days off work, and I found something I liked near my work. I put the down payment in and after a bit of thought, I decide it wasn't right for us. It was really nice, but the way they metered the gas/electric/water bills, I didn't like ( one meter for each building, where there are about 8 units in each) and they split it evenly! So if the Smith family downstairs has a catering business, you're paying their bills! So I changed my mind and got my deposit back. Luckily, the very same day (literally within half an hour) a lady customer from work called me to say she had a guest house behind her house that she wanted to rent out. I went to check it out right away and it was PERFECT! Within the week I had signed the rental agreement and started moving in. I didn't have the help to get everything there before Dave got there, so I made sure to have the essentials.

    Dave got to LA, and I felt like i fell in love with him all over again.

    I was so nervous to see him again, even though we video chatted almost every day.The first thing he said to me was " Look at how beautiful you are". I hugged him and never wanted to let go.
We drove to our new home, I showed Dave around a little bit, and we headed to Downtown LA via the Gold Line. My poor honey, he was exhausted, but I wanted to show him what Cinco De Mayo was all about, so we went to Olvera Street. We had some food, walked around a bit, and took the metro back. He didn't feel very well...That was my fault. He was all jetlagged and tired and there I was dragging him all over the place. We went back home and took a nap.
    I didn't get the next day off of work like I had thought, So that morning I drove him around to show him where stuff was, so he could ride his bike and such. I went to work the Meg & Dia signing at my store, and went home to my honey for the first time. I really loved coming home to someone, it's the best feeling.
    That week, Dave met my mother. It went rather well, I must say. She liked him, that's all I wanted.

    Yes, it was THAT uneventful.

    At first, of course, it took a little getting used to, living together.

I had a lot of stuff to organize and get rid of ( I come from a packrat-ish mother), so Dave had a slightly hard time with that at first, but I learned to get rid of stuff. It was like a good therapy session. 
Dave wasn't used to not working, so sometimes he a got a bit frustrated about doing housewively duties. I got annoyed with his bike being inside and in the way ( keep in mind we had a small space and his bike is worth a decent amount, so it had to be inside) but I kept running into it so I would get annoyed. No big deal, we talked it out. Relationships don't last if you don't have a small argument from time to time, and work it out. My dear friend Rachael, who is a therapist, says that it helps build trust in a relationship. I couldn't agree more!

    Not long after Dave's arrival, came a very important moment in my life. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have sworn myself to only tell one man these important words :

I love you.

    I have never said it to anyone except for my friends, but never to a boyfriend. I felt that those words are thrown around too often in most relationships, but aren't really meant. Or maybe, that people didn't understand the true feeling of being in love. Lust and love are very commonly confused.

One night, Dave and I were laying in bed, talking about the future, things we wanted to do and such, and he said to me: Hey, you know what? I love you. At first, I was taken completely by surprise, so I said: "Really? Me too". I was in shock, that someone would actually truly love me. So at first, I almost felt like I had to mull it over. To this day, I don't know what Dave thinks of that night. I'm really glad he didn't try to get it out of me, because somehow, even though I certainly DID love him, I needed to be sure that he meant it. By no means did I NOT believe him, but, I wasn't 100% Ready to say it. I also wanted to say it for the first time out of my own free will. So, I think it was the following day

    In June, Dave's friends Tristan and Squiggy came to visit. We had a great time! We went to the LA Zoo and the Aquarium of the Pacific!
(pictures coming soon)
    The 4th of July came, and I had to work.  the boys took the metro down to Manhattan beach, and I drove down there, in traffic. There was, of course, nowhere to park. Needless to say, I was frustrated, and the boys had had a few drinks so they weren't very easy to communicate with. I ended up in a house with complete strangers, and stood around, waiting for the boys to get their stuff together so we could leave. We had to go to a friend of mine's party. I wasn't in the best mood, I'll admit. So David and I had a bit of an argument, and I thought everything was resolved. We got to my friend's party, and it turned out it was a fundraiser of some sort, and we had to pay $5 each to get in. That's fine, I thought. At aleast there would be food and drinks. We go to the barbecue, no food. We go to the drinks, no drinks. I try to find some of the people responsible for the party, they're wasted and incoherent. I'm upset at that point. We just paid a total of $20 for nothing! They want a good 4th of July, and I need food, because I've been hungry for awhile and I am starting to get anxious.
    We go back to the car. Tristan tries to tell me something, and I don't understand. He repeats. I still don't understand ( he has a thick aussie accent, so sometimes it takes a few repetitions for me to understand what on earth he's saying). Well Dave, who was now not in the best of moods, snapped at me and said I was being rude to his friend. We both were NOT happy at this point. So we left, and on the drive home, I decided I was going to try to make it up to the boys. I stop at First Cabin ( a bar in Arcadia) so we can get a drink and all calm down. I forgot that it was family owned and operated, therefore you could smoke inside. Dave hates cigarettes, so he walked out and got mad. I followed him, and we had it out in the parking lot.

This is when I was sure it was over.

But, we talked it out. We realized that we wouldn't give up that easily. It was a rough day, full of misunderstandings, and We'd work it out.

And we did!

From then on, we promised to communicate more effectively.

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